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Retail investors own 77% of the market capitalization in total via stocks held directly, mutual and pension funds. They comprised 25% of total equities trading volume, nearly double the percentage reported a decade prior. However, small retail investors often face several disadvantages compared to large financial institutions when it comes to investing. They might not understand financial statements, corporate disclosures, government filings, policies and regulations. They usually have access to basic trading platforms provided by retail brokers, which might lack advanced analytical tools, algorithmic trading options, and customized financial planning resources.

10x10 Wealth Amplifier revolutionizes the way of investing by small retail investors and helps them achieve financial freedom early. By leveraging Large Language Models and our RAG vector data platform, 10x10 revolutionizes the investment landscape for retail investors by bringing a suite of sophisticated tools and resources that were previously exclusive to Wall Street quant firms. Our platform provides comprehensive data analysis, detailed and insightful answers, and a strategic framework that leverages cutting-edge AI indicators and algorithms. This empowers retail investors to make informed decisions and implement strategies with a level of precision and insight that parallels the capabilities of top-tier quant firms. By democratizing access to these advanced tools and analytics, 10x10 enables retail investors to navigate the complexities of the market and reap rewards with greater confidence and efficiency, similar to the way Wall Street's elite investment firms operate.

Data Convergence

10x10 will unlock the immense potential of data convergence with Jaguar vector system, a pioneering platform that seamlessly brings together financial statements, corporate filings, government regulations, market statistics from the perspective of Artificial Intelligence. Our cutting-edge Jaguar vector database searches and analyzes vector data, time series, and location data into a unified ecosystem. Our distributed database is highly performant, massively scalable, fast to adapt and optimize.

Massive Scale

The 10x10 Wealth Amplifier represents a groundbreaking advancement in financial technology, harnessing the power of the advanced Jaguar vector database technology. This technology stands out due to its exceptional scalability, specifically engineered for managing vast quantities of vectors with remarkable ease. At the heart of its efficiency, Jaguar vector database technology is designed to handle billions of vectors effortlessly. This scalability is crucial in financial contexts where vast amounts of data need to be processed and analyzed rapidly. Traditional methods of achieving horizontal scalability, like consistent hashing, often entail complex data migrations, which become increasingly time-consuming as datasets expand. This is where 10x10 introduces a game-changer with its ZeroMove Hashing technology. Unlike traditional methods, ZeroMove Hashing enables data distribution and scalability without the need for data migration. This approach dramatically reduces the time and complexity involved in scaling operations. For financial applications like the 10x10 Wealth Amplifier, which deals with a multitude of investment channels and continuously searches for high-growth stocks, funds, options, futures, and cryptos, having a highly scalable and efficient data management system is not just beneficial, but essential.

10x10 Wealth Amplifier enhances your investment portfolio by pinpointing investment assets on the brink of entering their acceleration phase. Utilizing our advanced AI technology, we identify prime investment opportunities by meticulously storing and analyzing thousands of investment vehicles to discover the most valuable assets, thereby maximizing your rate of return. Our innovative AI vector database rapidly scans all available assets, focusing on those with the potential for high returns, ensuring our customers benefit from the most lucrative opportunities in the market.